Swierkosz-Lenart Kevin., Flores Alves Dos Santos, Joao., Elowe, Julien., Clair, Anne-Hélène., F. Bally, Julien., Riquier, Françoise., Bloch, Jocelyne., Draganski, Bogdan., Clerc, Marie-Thérèse., Pozuelo Moyano, Beatriz., von Gunten, Armin., Mallet, Luc. 2023 "Therapies for obsessive-compulsive disorder: Current state of the art and perspectives for approaching treatment-resistant patients” Frontiers in Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1065812

Radomska, Michalina., Flores Alves dos Santos, Joao., Weber, Kerstin., Baertschi, Marc., R. Burkhard, Pierre.,Herrmann, François., Belayachi, Sanaâ., Favez, Nicolas., Canuto, Alessandra., 2022 "Assessing Preoperative Hope and Expectations Related to Functional Neurosurgery: A New Questionnaire." BMC Psychology https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-558755/v1

Welter, Marie-Laure., Flores Alves Dos Santos, João, Clair, Anne-Helene., Lau, Brian, Diallo, Hassimiou Mamadou, Fernandez-Vidal, Sara, Belaid, Hayat, Pelissolo, Antoine, Domenech, Philippe, Karachi, Carine, & Mallet, Luc. 2020. “Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic, Accumbens, or Caudate Nuclei for Patients With Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Randomized Crossover Controlled Study.” Biological Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.07.013

Baertschi, Marc, Favez, Nicolas, Flores Alves Dos Santos, João, Radomska, Michalina, Herrmann, François, Burkhard, Pierre R., Canuto, Alessandra, Weber, Kerstin, & Ghisletta, Paolo. 2020. “Illness Representations and Coping Strategies in Patients Treated with Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease.” Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(4), 1186. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm9041186

Baertschi, Marc, Nicolas Favez, Michalina Radomska, François Herrmann, Pierre R. Burkhard, Kerstin Weber, Alessandra Canuto, and João Flores Alves Dos Santos. 2019. “An Empirical Study on the Application of the Burden of Normality to Patients Undergoing Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease.” Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health, October. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40737-019-00149-5.

Benzina, Nabil, Margot Morgieve, Marine Euvrard, João Flores Alves Dos Santos, Antoine Pelissolo, and Luc Mallet. 2019. “Personalised 360° Video Exposure Therapy for the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : A Proof-of-Concept Study.” PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kqw3u.

Baertschi, Marc, João Flores Alves Dos Santos, Pierre Burkhard, Kerstin Weber, Alessandra Canuto, and Nicolas Favez. 2019. “The Burden of Normality as a Model of Psychosocial Adjustment after Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Investigation.” Neuropsychology 33 (2): 178–94. https://doi.org/10.1037/neu0000509.

Baertschi, Marc, Nicolas Favez, João Flores Alves Dos Santos, Michalina Radomska, François Herrmann, Pierre Burkhard, Alessandra Canuto, and Kerstin Weber. 2019. “The Impact of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease on Couple Satisfaction: An 18-Month Longitudinal Study.” Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 0 (0): 0. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10880-019-09601-x.

Flores Alves Dos Santos, João, Paul Krack, Shahan Momjian, Guido Bondolfi, and Luc Mallet. 2018. “[Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Deep Brain Stimulation, a Future so Close].” Revue Medicale Suisse 14 (593): 327–30. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29412526.

Chiuvé, Sabina Catalano, João Flores Alves Dos Santos, Pierre Burkhard, and Paul Krack. 2018. “Addictions Comportementales et Apathie Dans La Maladie de Parkinson: D’un Extrême à l’autre.” In Cas Cliniques En Neuropsychologie Des Emotions. Dunod.

Flores Alves Dos Santos, João, Anne-Hélène Clair, and Luc Mallet. 2018. “La Stimulation Cérébrale Profonde Dans Le Traitement de La Dépression Sévère et Résistante.” In Actualités Sur Les Maladies Dépressives, Lavoisier. Lavoisier.

Flores Alves dos Santos, Joao, Luc Mallet, and Philippe Domenech. 2018. “Patient Atteint de Maladie de Parkinson Idiopathique.” In Psychiatrie de Liaison, edited by C. Lemogne, P. Cole, Silla M. Consoli, and F. Limosin, Lavoisier, 458–66. Lavoisier.

Flores Alves Dos Santos, João, André Zacharia, and Pierre Cole. 2018. “Patient Présentant Des Mouvements Anormaux Autres Que Liés à Une Maladie de Parkinson Idiopathique Ou Une Épilepsie.” In Psychiatrie de Liason, edited by C. Lemogne, P. Cole, Silla M. Consoli, and F. Limosin, Lavoisier, 467–68. Lavoisier.

Weber, Kerstin, Marc Baertschi, Michalina Radomska, João Flores Alves dos Santos, F Herrmann, and A Canuto. 2017. “Post-Treatment Burden of Normality after Deep Brain Stimulation in Neurological Disorders.” Brain Stimulation, 149578.

Flores Alves Dos Santos, Joao, Sophie Tezenas du Montcel, Marcella Gargiulo, Cecile Behar, Sébastien Montel, Thierry Hergueta, Soledad Navarro, et al. 2017. “Tackling Psychosocial Maladjustment in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Following Subthalamic Deep-Brain Stimulation: A Randomised Clinical Trial.” PloS One 12 (4): e0174512. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0174512.

Baertchi, Marc, João Flores Alves Dos Santos, Hervey Tissot, A Canuto, Nicolas Favez, and K Weber. 2017. “Validation Française d’une Version Brève de l’Echelle de Satisfaction Maritale.” Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée 67 (4): 207–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erap.2017.05.002.

Flores Alves Dos Santos, João, Sophie Tézenas, Marcella Gargiulo, Cecile Behar, Sébastien Montel, Thierry Hergueta, Eric Bardinet, et al. 2016. “Tackling Parkinson’s Disease Social Maladjustment Paradox after STN-DBS, Psychoeducational Approach, Randomized Clinical Trial.” Presented at 19ème Journée de Recherche Des Départements de Psychiatrie de Lausanne et de Genève.

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Flores Alves dos Santos, João, and Luc Mallet. 2013. “[OCD: When Limbic Systems Start Looping…].” La Revue Du Praticien 63 (5): 643–46. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23789489.

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Flores Alves Dos Santos, João, Antonella Tanga, Schnider Armin, and Béatrice Leemann. 2011. “Syndrome of the Trephined: 4 Case Reports – Diagnosis – Treatment – Rehabilitation Impact.” Presented at 21st Meeting of the European Neurological Society 2011 – F1000 Research.
